Live by Goldsmith Schiffman Elementary

Do you want to live by Goldsmith Schiffman Elementary? Here’s a list of properties and other relevant data for June 2023. First, this is a highly rated, 5-star, Pre-K – 5 magnet school in Big Cove, AL. It scores an A high for academics, teachers, and diversity and has small class sizes with a 16:1 student-teacher ratio. It also scores above the national average in math and reading on state test scores.

In a June 2023 search of, there were 28 active listings of single-family homes for sale in this school district. Prices started at $329K for a 1900 sq ft home on an 8820 sq ft lot in Owens Cross Roads, AL. The top listing was $760K for an 1880 sq ft home on a 2.5-acre lot in Owens Cross Roads. Other locations include the towns of Brownsboro, Huntsville, and Gurley.

Each property offers options for price, size, location, and access to amenities matching your needs. Each town offers access to this school, but most properties are in Owens Cross Roads. All over affordable homes in safe, family-oriented communities with walkable streets and a good cost of living. They also offer access to shopping, dining, nightlife, and cultural diversity.

  • If you live by Goldsmith Schiffman Elementary, you invest in your children’s futures!